Chamber Services

Securing and achieving demands and advantages that require governmental support:

1 – The efforts of the Chamber of Tourist Establishments in cooperation with the Chamber of Hotels have resulted in a meeting with officials of civil protection to resolve the problems of the members of the general assembly. Member establishments of both Chambers were a three-month grace period which has been renewed several times.

2 – The Chamber has set up a committee to discuss civil defense related problems. A protocol agreement that includes the published Egyptian Code of Civil Defense has been signed and sent to the tourist establishments.

3 – A protocol agreement with Egypt Air was signed; which grants a special discount of 10% to Chamber members.

4 – The Economic Committee of the Chamber and the Union has requested the privilege of installment debt-payment on social insurance, taxes and bank loans. These issues have been discussed by Mr. Chairman during the Economic Conference at Sharm el-Sheikh, which resulted in the Council of Ministers’ decision to postpone the collection of tourism sector’s debts to the government agencies on utilities such as electricity, water, gas, sewage and insurance installments for six months, to be collected on interest-free installment basis within 24 months.


Securing and achieving demands and advantages in favor of the tourist establishments by the Chamber’s self-effort and capabilities:

1 – The Chamber’s Social Solidarity committee has been established. A bank account has also been opened and the bylaw determined. Methodology and deserving cases have been decided upon as follows: (Providing financial aid to owners of tourist establishments in the following cases: death – illness – robbery – fire – Technical conferences and training).

2 – The creation of a CTE website; which will increase communication between chamber’s members and contribute to opening new prospects for tourist establishments.

3 – The Chamber has paid special attention to highlighting and marketing Egyptian cuisine by means of a promotional film, to attract tourist groups’ business in trade fairs and exhibitions.
4 – The agreement with Al Borg laboratories has been renewed, granting a 50% discount to Chamber members and their next of kin (parents – wife – children), upon presenting the Chamber’s membership card.

5- The same agreement as above is also valid at Al Mokhtabar laboratories.

6 – A services office has been assigned to assist with visa issuance and travel arrangements to members of the general assembly flying to any destination, at EGP 200 per visa.

Chamber’s caretaking and solving tourist establishments’ problems and facilitating their work:

1-The Chamber’s Training Committee holds various specialized training programs and workshops such as:

  • Food and Beverage Service training program
  • Health and Food Safety training program

2 – The Chamber exempts financially struggling establishments located at particular tourist destinations in crisis from the membership fees.

3 – Collating all the problems from the branches and discussing solutions with the Hotels and Tourist Establishments sector at the Ministry of the Tourism.

Activating the role of the Chamber in the Egyptian Union for Tourism Chambers, and developing cooperation between them for the benefit of the members and for the revitalization of tourism in Egypt:

1 – The Union for Tourism Chambers in Egypt has responded in favor of the CTE Chairman’s proposal to form a committee for coordination between the five Chambers. The committee boards the Chairmen of the different chambers and the President of the Union. The committee will take it upon itself to resolve any conflict that might occur between the various chambers and liaise between them.

2- A comprehensive study of labor law and the common law of tourism was conducted in coordination with the legislation committee of CTE and its equals in the Hotels Chamber and the Union. Amendments in favor of the interests of the sector have been proposed.

Activities of the Chamber’s Branches

Upper Egypt Branch:

The branch, headed by Mr. Zidan Bastawi has exerted a lot of effort on the following issues:

1 – Municipal restaurants issue:
In a memorandum sent by the Chamber of Tourist Establishments to the Governor of Luxor, the chamber explained the legal position of the municipally licensed restaurants engaged in tourist activities without obtaining tourist licenses. Based upon the memorandum the Governor issued decree number 2063 of 2015; which is still being tracked by the Chamber branch despite some impediments.

2 – Gas Cylinders issue:
Upon the communication between the Chamber’s branch Manager and officials, it was agreed that tourist establishments’ owners will hand over the empty gas cylinders that belong to their restaurants to the distribution truck. The cylinders, labeled with the restaurant’s name, will be refilled and returned to the restaurant the next day.

3 – Firefighting, Civil defense and Security Directorate issues:

The branch has already exerted a lot of effort to resolve those issues for many tourist establishments.


Suez Canal Cities, North and Central Delta Branch:

The board, headed by Mr. Ali Mansour has exerted a lot of effort on the following issues:

1 – Solving the tourist establishments’ owners’ problems with the cultural production sector.
2 – The branch has made an inventory of facilities affiliated to the municipal council; which are in competition with tourist establishments, requesting the necessary action from the relevant authorities.

3- Forming a sub-committee for public relations and members’ affairs to work on the problems of general assembly members and try to find solutions for them.
4 – Organizing a cooperation protocol between the Chamber and the Press and Media Association and the Chamber of Commerce in Damietta to revitalize and attract domestic tourism.
5 – The Branch, in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism Bureau successfully implemented the ceremonial inauguration of the new Suez Canal (For the love of Egypt day).

South Sinai Branch (Sharm el Sheikh)

The board, headed by Mr. Sameh Abdel Wahed has exerted a lot of effort on the following issues:
1 – Training the staff working at South Sinai tourist establishments on Food Safety and Hygiene, HACCP, and Food and Beverage cycle.
2 – Continuous coordination in all the meetings related the Economic Conference by the Governor and the City Commissioner.
3 – Contributing to the preparation of concerts and parades for the inauguration of the new Suez Canal.
4 – Eliminating obstacles that face some of the South Sinai tourist establishments from the executive body.

Red Sea Branch

The Board, headed by Mr. Tharwat Sadek has exerted a lot of effort on the following issues:
1 – Solving problems that face owners of tourist establishments. For example: reducing occupancy fees upon a meeting with the Secretary-General of Red Sea Governorate.
2 – Meeting with the Governorate’s security authorities to activate the Chamber’s membership card.
3 – Taking part in the celebration of Orphan’s Day and raising donations which are given to the designated committee.
4 – Assisting new tourist establishments with licenses and help them overcome procedural obstacles.
5 – Meeting with Orascom company representative to persuade them to affiliate the restaurants located at El Gouna city to the Ministry of Tourism.

Alexandria and North Coast Branch

The Board, headed by General Essam Farghaly has exerted a lot of effort on the following issues:

1 – Assisting new establishments with licenses and other procedural issues.
2 – Creating email accounts to employees at the branch to facilitate communication with the Chamber and tourist establishments.